- Vaz, A., Mata, A., & Critcher, C. R. (in press). A watched pot seems slow to boil: Why frequent monitoring decreases perceptions of progress. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
- Mata, A. & Vaz, A. (2024). Self-other differences in the perceived authenticity of attitudes expressed toward social groups. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1467396.
- Vaz, A. & Mata, A. (2022). Failing to ignore the ignorant: Mistaking ignorance for error. Judgment and Decision Making, 17(5), 937-961.
- Vaz, A., Mata, A., & Palma, T. A. (2022). Blocking effects in social inference generalize across targets: Learning to interpret a person's behavioral cues interferes with learning about other people's behavior. Social Cognition, 40(4), 364-386.
- Mata, A., Vaz, A., & Mendonça, B. (2022). Deliberate ignorance in moral dilemmas: Protecting judgment from conflicting information. Journal of Economic Psychology, 90, Article 102523.
- Vaz, A., Mata, A., & Critcher, C. R. (2021). Analogies offer value through the struggle to make them work: Making sense of the psychological immune system. Psychological Inquiry, 32(4), 230-239.
- Cipriano, M.*, Vaz, A. R.*, Rolho, J., Santos, A. S., & Carneiro, P. (2021). Behavior as a stereotype cue: An European Portuguese pretest on age and gender stereotypes. Análise Psicológica, 39(1), 133-170.
- Mata, A., Vaz, A., & Palma, T. A. (2021). Cue competition in mental state inference: Blocking effects in learning to interpret the behaviors of others. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95, 104122.
- Vega, S., Mata, A., Ferreira, M. B., & Vaz, A. R. (2021). Metacognition in moral decisions: Judgment extremity and feeling of rightness in moral intuitions. Thinking & Reasoning, 27 (1), 124-141.
- Benrós, M. F.*, Vaz, A. R.*, Assunção, H., Santos, A. S., Palma, T. A., & Garcia-Marques, L. (2020). Generation and testing of emergent traits in composite professional stereotypes. Análise Psicológica, 38(1), 87-110.
* shared first-authorship